About the Book "The Sex Trafficker's Wife"

In 2016 my husband, and father of my children was arrested for Attempted Human Trafficking. I was a full time housewife with three children under 6. My life had revolved 100% around my children and their happiness. My world was completely shattered and all I could do was everything I believed that would ensure that my kids were going to be ok.
My belief was that I would be ok if my kids were ok. This meant that I stayed in my marriage. I stayed believing that was what I had to do in order for my children to be happy. I couldn't take their father from them like my mom took mine away from me. That mattered above everything.
But what I didn’t see was how not ok I was. I had bought my husband's crime as my own. I had made his demons and burden a responsibility for us all. I couldn’t see that he was actually a very dangerous and damaged soul. I couldn’t see that while I was working so hard to make my kids ok, I was killing my own soul and exposing them to even worse. My kids were NOT ok, and I didn’t know where to begin to fix it.
It took me seeing my children being groomed by their father for me to finally get it. My children were NOT ok. None of this had ever been ok.
But in order fix it I had to do different. I had to heal myself first. I had to commit to me first, even before them. I had to leave the marriage, and find my power to stand up to protect my children whose souls didn’t have a voice of their own.
Putting me first ended up being the most unselfish thing I have ever done. Standing in my power allowed me to find ME. And that is who got us out of the mess I was in.
It's time to share my story with the world!!
Hi, I'm Amanda
Thank you so much for your interest in my book.
Writing this book was one of the most challenging and healing things I have ever done. To re-live the memories, in detail, allowed me to release so much, and it allowed me to really understand in depth the amount of transformation this experience brought me.
For me, going through something so big really forced me to step into the most empowered self that I have ever been. It showed me how important it is to fight to protect my children, no matter what the experts are saying. And most importantly it showed me, that until I allowed myself to stand true in myself, nothing about my reality or my children's reality was going to change.
It's my life's mission to make an impact on this planet, and this book is just the beginning of how I can do that.
If you're interested in working with me either through my non-profit, The Golden Haven Foundation or through my coaching business Amanda Quick Healing - I would love to hear from you.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
❤️ Amanda